Nonviolent civil evacuation: Rethinking an end to Israel’s settlements in the West Bank
After more than half a century of holding the West Bank under military occupation, Israelis are still divided over its future. Most support withdrawal as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians. Israel’s most important allies - and the international community as a whole - agree that the settlements are unlawful and must be removed. In such circumstances, there is no cause to believe that the land can no longer be divided. Taking a real look at what allows the settlements to keep going, instead of bowing to the myth of violent evacuation, reveals that the future of the West Bank and the settlements is in the hands of the Israeli public and its leaders. Where there is a will - there is a readily-available way.
One reason many Israelis have lost faith in the feasibility of a two-state solution is fears over security. Molad’s latest study unpacks these concerns and shows that a Palestinian state will not jeopardize national security – in fact, it is the best way to ensure Israel’s long-term interests
The Left’s ideas are winning – so why are its politicians losing?
Public opinion polls show that most Israelis support progressive positions. So why are progressive parties failing? How did the liberal-democrat majority come to believe it is a minority? On the ideological success and political failure of the Israeli Left – and where we go from here
Jewish, or Democratic? The True Aim of Israel’s ‘Nation-State’ Law
The public outrage regarding the recently ratified "Nation-State" Law has focused mainly on its various clauses and the discrimination against Israel's ethnic minorities therein. However, one must inspect the true meaning behind the Nation-State Law and the motivation of its authors.
UNSC resolution: World placing price tag on settlements
The UN Security Council’s resolution is a direct response to right-wing policies in the Occupied Territories, which have placed Israel on a collision course with the world. We need responsible leaders who understand that the military occupation and settlements cannot continue without repercussions.
The Strategic Balance of Israel’s Withdrawal from Gaza (2005-2016)
The Israeli right claims that the 2005 disengagement from Gaza failed dangerously. A new study shows that it actually improved Israel's security and international standing.
Netanyahu’s controversial speech is the latest expression of the partisan political alliance between the Israeli Right and Evangelical conservatives in the U.S.